
Easter Renewal of Joy

Risen Jesus, assure me of the promised joy

implicit in your risen life.

Reenergize my spirit when it creeps

into the cave of gloom.

Bring it forth into the light of your radiance.

Reestablish attentiveness to the wonder found

in nature’s continual unfolding of the seasons,

each one with its own inherent beauty.

Reinvigorate a desire to enter each day confident

of your grace to maintain a positive perspective,

no matter what unexpected turbulence or distress

confronts me.

Renew an ability to find satisfaction in my faith without having to poke continually at truths that remain unresolved.

Resist my attempts to foster complete control,

and thus I miss the adventure of risk-taking and

the invitation to step out of tightly bound securities.

Reclaim love grown cold or dormant due to neglect,

misperception, or the deluge of overwork that quickly

steals affection from my heart.

Restore order and balance in my mind.

Clear it of tangling thoughts, judgments, and issues that stealthily poison my enjoyment of life.

Resurrect the undivided passion I once had for bringing the best of my inner goodness to each and

every part of what claims my attention.

Reveal what keeps playfulness from emerging,

forfeiting the freedom to express the laughter

hiding inside of me.

Release the door of my heart to let me enter the

tender moments and unforeseen experiences

holding great happiness if only I am open to them.

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