
This is a list of all parish and community groups and notices which relate to each.
Click on the group name below for more information.

  • Ministers of the Word

    The public reading, or proclamation, of Scripture at Mass and at other liturgies, is an important form of participation in the faith life of our parish. A team of some 25 Readers is engaged in this ministry at St Brigid’s and new Ministers of the Word are always welcome.

    The Gospel of Luke (Chapter 4, Verse 16) describes how Jesus, at the Synagogue in his home place of Nazareth “stood up to read”. That day Jesus was the “reader” whose example we strive to follow when we read and listen  to the words of the Old and New Testaments during our daily and weekly Masses and at other important liturgical events like the Easter Triduum.

    In the tradition of Jesus himself, readers have the privilege and responsibility of sharing the word of God with the People of God. Anyone interested in joining our team of Readers can contact the Parish Office for information on undertaking the necessary preparation and training.

     If Readers wish to see the following Sunday Reading these are now available on our website beside the Daily & Sunday Readings.

  • Ministers of the Eucharist

    Lay Ministers play a vital role in supporting the priests in bringing Jesus Christ to the Parish Community through the Word of God and in his presence in the Eucharist.

    Ministers of the Eucharist are lay people called by God to assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at all the masses in the parish.  In addition, they also bring Holy Communion to those who are sick and housebound.

    Some ministers from St. Brigid’s, together with Ministers from the surrounding parishes distribute Holy Communion in Connolly Hospital and Elm Green Nursing Home each Sunday.

    The Eucharistic Ministry consists of approximately 80 People who work on a Rota Basis.

    Training and support are given to these important ministries. There is also the occasional meeting/gathering, time to pray together and be renewed in our Ministry.

    If you or a relative are sick and housebound and would like to receive Holy Communion, please contact the Parish Office and they will arrange a visit to you.

  • Parish Pastoral Council

    St Brigid’s Parish Pastoral Council has been in existence since April 2005 in response to the decision by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin that a Parish Pastoral Council be established in every parish in the Archdiocese of Dublin.

    Who we are

    Our Parish Pastoral Council is comprised of the priests of the Parish, members elected at a public Parish meeting, and a representative of the Parish Finance Committee. Meetings are held monthly except during the months of July and August.

    Current Members:

    • Seán Feeney (Chairman)
    • Deacon Michael O’Connor (Secretary)
    • Deacon Jim Adams
    • Jim McKeon (Finance Committee)
    • Alice O’Connell
    • Kevin Cullen
    • Saritha Leevena Moras
    • Margaret Hill

    What we do

    • Listen to parishioners and, through prayer, reflection, and discussion, ascertain the needs of the parish.
    • Encourage and support new Parish initiatives.
    • Encourage all parishioners to use their gifts and to participate fully in Parish Life
    • Plan and organise how best to use those gifts and resources available to us at the parish and diocesan levels.
    • Communicate with parishioners through meetings and newsletters, and encourage feedback through surveys and questionnaires
    • Affirm existing ministries and provide ongoing spiritual formation for all Pastoral Council members. Identify areas that need support and skills.
    • Interact with Pastoral Councils in the surrounding parishes. Help, support, and learn from each other.
    • Continually evaluate and review the work of the Pastoral Council in order to grow with the changing needs of the Church today.

    We welcome your comments and any suggestions you may wish to make on the work of the Pastoral Council.

    You can contact the chairman through the Parish office.

  • Accord

    ACCORD is an Irish voluntary Catholic organisation that aims to promote a deeper understanding of Christian marriage and to offer people the means to safeguard and nourish their marriage and family relationships.

    Among their services they provide a Marriage & Relationship Counselling Service as well as Marriage Preparation Programmes for couples of all denominations.

    For further information see their website:

  • St. Vincent de Paul

    The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul exists to fight poverty

    It is the largest, voluntary, charitable organisation in Ireland. Its membership of 9,500 volunteers throughout the country are supported by professional staff, working for social justice and the creation of a more just, caring nation. This unique network of social concern also gives practical support to those experiencing poverty and social exclusion, by providing a wide range of services to people in need.

    Known for their confidential, empathic service, the Society has 3 conferences which serve in our Parish:

    1. The Parish Conference – gives practical help and a listening ear to those parishioners who are in need.
    2. Our Lady of the Rosary Conference for Travellers – provides support for Travellers.
    3. St. Louise’s Conference – visits long term geriatric patients and psychiatric patients in Connolly Hospital.

    All conferences welcome new members with a willingness to help.


    For more information view their website

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