Parish Finance

The parish could not operate without the generous financial contributions made by many of its parishioners. These contributions are made through the family offering and the various church collections.

Church Collections

The first collection at Sunday Mass and both the Christmas and Easter Dues are for the support of the priests of our own parish, priests in less well off parishes and sick and retired priests of the diocese.

The second collection at Sunday Mass is for SHARE (to help some less well off parishes). This second collection is often replaced by a ‘special’ collection (e.g St. Vincent de Paul Christmas collection, Peter’s Pence etc.) or an emergency collection (e.g. for the Tsunami or the Haiti earthquake victims), for more information on recent ‘special’ collections see Parish News.


The Family Offering


There are three ways by which you can contribute :

  • Standing Order at your bank. This is both convenient and secure, as well as being the least troublesome for all concerned.
  • Periodic cheque/cash payments – i.e. quarterly, half-yearly or annually.
  • Weekly Envelope contributions. You are given a box of envelopes for this purpose. However due to the present difficulty of finding Collectors (you could always become one), a number of people leave them in the basket on Sundays.

A big thank you to all those who currently support the Parish Family Offering.

At the moment approximately 1,000 parishioners/families support the Family Offering. Thank you for your continued generosity. This is the principal source of parochial funding; all funds generated by it go exclusively to the maintenance and development of St. Brigid’s parish i.e…

  • The day-to-day running of our parish – altar and office supplies, heating, lighting, cleaning, etc.
  • Repair and maintenance of the church and its environs (churchyard, extension, sacristy, etc.) and the presbyteries; this fund paid half the cost of the recent seating and the paving works, the special collection in 2006 covering the other half.
  • Provision for the unexpected – the church is an old building and the condition of the roof, floor, and spire is kept under constant review; again the recent roof repairs were paid for out of this fund.

If you are interested in joining the Family Offering please contact the Parish Office to make the necessary arrangements.

The Finance Committee is an Advisory Committee set up to help the parish with the financial administration of the Parish. They meet monthly to review the expenses and financial requirements of the Parish. Members are appointed for a three-year term of office. A representative of the Finance Committee serves on the Parish Pastoral Council. The current members of the committee are:

Chair: Jim McKeon
Secretary: Kathleen Brennan
Members: Philip Furlong, Alan Andrews.

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