Prayer Resources

Some useful links about the translation of the new roman missal:

 and some good pieces of reading material concerning the changes in the missal that will be used next Advent:

In this handy publication author Edward Sri takes the reader on an exciting tour of the liturgy. Based on the revised translation of the Mass which goes into effect Advent, 2011, it explores the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience in Mass and explains their profound significance.

Starting with the introductory rites and the siging in the name of the Trinity we read about how the sextions of the mass; it’s prayers, gestures, responses, rituals and sacred moments connect back to the earliest of Old testament times and the times of Jesus and the Apostles in the New Testament.

A must for any Catholic who wants to delve deeper into understanding the Mass and it’s new translation of the Missal.

Price: $75.00


Paul Turner;  “At the Supper of the Lamb”: A Pastoral and Theological Commentary on the Masswalks you through each part of the Mass. Its structure follows the Order of Mass in the third edition of the Roman Missal. This book is an invitation to worship, a call to new intention, and a deeper awareness of the privilege we share to be invited to the supper of the Lamb. Includes texts from the revised translation!

This book includes:

  • Separate chapters for each of the four parts of the Mass;
  • Texts from the third edition of The Roman Missal and General Instruction of the Roman Missal;
  • Pastoral, theological, and historical background on every part of the Mass;
  • Questions for Discussion and Reflection;
  • Explanatory footnotes;

This book will be helpful to:

  • Understand the Mass;
  • Learn the texts from the third edition of the Roman Missal;
  • Facilitate discussion and adult faith formation sessions on the Mass;
  • Prepare vibrant and dynamic liturgies;
  • Evaluate your community’s celebration of the Mass.

Prepared by the National Centre for Liturgy, in association with the Advisory Committee on Church Music of the Bishops’ Conference of Ireland, this anthology of music for the Irish Church is a resource for all involved in music ministry and for all who gather to celebrate the Eucharist.

In conjunction with the publication of the third edition of the Roman Missal, it includes new settings for the Mass, as well as previously used settings that have been amended in line with the revised translation.

Here are some very useful links that look at helping parents pray at home with their children:

I would also suggest the “YOUCAT” youth Catechism as an excellent resource for talking about the faith at an appropriate level for our teenage children. Available in Veritas.

‘Share the Good News’  –  A National Directory for Catechesis in  Ireland.

Share the Good News – the first National Directory for Catechesis in Ireland – was launched recently at the Mater Dei Institute of Education in Dublin.

Cardinal Seán Brady, Archbishop of Armagh, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin, and Bishop Bill Murphy, Bishop of Kerry, Chairman of the Episcopal Council for Catechetics, participated in a seminar to launch it along with writer and editor Rev Dr Gareth Byrne.

To purchase this book online go to 

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